Mooyoung CM
(Project Information Service & Management)
PRISM System of MOOYOUNG CM, which is the center of the Knowledge Management (KM) for creating high-added value knowledge constantly and improving work productivity
MOOYOUNG CM develops, introduces, and operates the knowledge management system called PRISM which makes an innovative improvement in project performance in the way of managing and sharing core knowledge and core technology in the whole company. PRISM, the knowledge management system of MOOYOUNG CM, helps to improve project productivity through knowledge creation, security, development, accumulation, and sharing, and to provide the best service to customers. PRISM enables all MOOYOUNG CM people to have activities of systematic knowledge sharing Q&A (Question & Answer), CoP(Community of Practice), e-Learning, and expert lecturing and to actively participate in knowledge management. MOOYOUNG CM will expand the creation and sharing of the project based core knowledge home and abroad and will provide information to Korean students and amateurs in the construction field in the dimension of knowledge sharing socially in order to contribute to the development of Korean construction industry.
Field Supervision System
Management of construction at field sites
Overall project management/contract management/process management/construction management/data management

Field Situation Room
Field situation information is displayed and summarized in main menu.
Schedule / Process / Cost / Picture / Document

Head Office Management System